Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ocean City and Scrubs and Boring BBQ

I thought she forgot about me, but she didn't!

Laura Miller, aka a hoe, and I grabbed some lunch at one of my favorite spots to grab breakfast.

This was the day after the 4th of July so I had to get something healthy.

Came back to my house and watched Scrubs. Best show ever.

On the 9th I went to my dad's friend BBQ. The place was so nice. Nice house and banging backyard. Awesome pool, but it was a bunch of oldheads and I didn't know anyone. Just sat around on my phone. It technically wasn't even a BBQ because the food was catered instead of BBQ. Nevertheless, you can never go wrong with spending time with family.

Two days ago I went to Ocean City with my two favorite brothers Dave and Vinh, Alice and Kristie. It was fun but the girls were girling about going into the water. The waves were so strong. Flipped me and my man Dave around. You know if the water was strong if it could flip Dave. Gave him a battle wound hahaha.

After that we went over to Vinh's friend Tien crib and just chill in a trampoline and ate some bbq. It was a short fun vacation.

Oh, Vinh was playing around with my camera and took a shot of his Carrera's. I liked it so it's up here.

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Family Time!

I remember when I wasn't able to bike to the barber shop that I go to. It was only 2.2 miles away, with more decline than incline. I remember the feeling that I had when I finally did bike there, and biked back. I remember the feeling when I ran half a mile and was out of breath with my leg throbbing. I remember slapping the STOP button on the treadmill every time I hit a mile. I remember when I ran a mile at a track and was barely able to do it. I remember all the hard work I put into running. Every. Single. Day. Never would I have dream to be able to run back from my barbershop to my house. 2.2 miles is nothing... for a lot of people. Now that I have surpassed my own expectation, it's time to aim higher.

Here are the pictures of my day.



Sunday, February 22, 2009

My very first blog.

Ok, I usually just post notes on Facebook and stuff, but this seems like a more appropriate website to share my thoughts on. Well today, I had a trip to Franklin Mills with my parents. I bought a black hoody from H&M and a pair of Levis jean. I also got a caramel cappahchino! from Gloria Jeans, its actually pretty good, but very pricey. Yeah damn, theres school tomorrow, I feel like I need a vacation. I want to play streetfighter iv right now, practice with Akuma and shit but its way too late. I'm actually surprised I stayed up this late, I couldn't sleep so I opened the laptop and yeah I guess you can tell what happened afterwards. WELL, I think this is good enough for my first blog. CatchalataAlligata